Monday, March 14, 2011

Can You Feel This Magic In the Air ?? huh ??

Well Hello,

As you all know , yesterday was my violin exam . So , I got to the hotel with a full of anxious feelings . Haha . Since I came early , I took my time to practise all the exam song , scales , the arpeggios , chromatic scales and the dominant seventh . Well , my turn was after Hanna. She was as happy as a lark when she out from the examiner's room , ummm seems like she doesn't make mistake in the exam and when I saw her big smile , I try to pick up my courage to relax when it is my turn. Then , after a minute , the examiner's assistant called me . I was like , OMG , OMG , macam mana ni ?! Haha . When I first stepped in the room , I said GOOD MORNING, SIR as the examiner was an english man . You know , his face reminded me to , uh , Colonel Sanders , the KFC founder . Yes , with his white hair and big body but I dont know why he kept smiling until the end of the exam . HAHAHA , I want to laugh when I saw that , but I kept control it as it is my time to exam . Well , I did the exam successfully , eventhough , I made many mistakes . But , for me , I have did my best lah tu.

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