Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nurul Fazira binti Muslien :(

hey, you also make me cry. why..? because you had realize who is ME.? you dont want and never to accept all my weakness.eh, fyi saya dah tengok awak punya locker, can i know.., who is M you mean for..? okay, fine. i really accept the truth. fine, it was finished. but, kenape at the certain time ada kawan saya passup kat saya thats you send your regards to meeeee ..? huh.? hey i didnt undersatand you. what it means for ..?  you want to leave me but you still want to talk to me,? why ... hey, just go and live your life lahh. dont disturb me until you had finished you school. okay? promised me okk.. dah. the point is, i want you JUST GO AND LIVE YOU LIFE. promised me okay. another words i want you to know that, when you always near to me, you always make me hurt, let me alone in my life. okay.. you know what, sometimes i really hate you but at the same time , i really love you..and i really DO.

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