Saturday, February 5, 2011

Don't wanna HUG , don't wanna KISS !

Well Hello,
I don’t know about you . I don’t know about everyone else . But this mind wonders of others’ . Have you ever felt like crying for no reason and you want to restrain yourself because you know the moment those tears start to flow it becomes endless but you just can’t help the feeling and so it starts to drop . Have you ever felt so tired of everything and everyone else ? World-fatigue , as some might say . Has it ever been frustrating for you to be given no choice but to please everyone but yourself and you’re not able to object because you just don’t want things to be more complicated than it already is . Is it not okay to have selfish intentions when at the end of the day all that actually and really matters is your feelings , your concerns ? Does it ever get lonely at night when you’re all alone and have no one to turn to when everything turns to shit ? I wonder of freedom , how does it feel like to be careless, selfless and thoughtless . How does it feel to have ignorance by your side because I wanna know if it makes you feel any more superior , any better . How does it feel like to not be questioned of everything you do , everything you say and your reactions ? Is it any fun to take risks , seize the day and grab chances regardless of what the consequences might be because you choose to make the most out of life because you believe that is what everyone deserves ? Does it feel fantastic to not have anyone dictate your doings , right or wrong . Even if they do , how does it feel to ignore such jeers ? Does it go down deep , and hurt as hell when other fuckheads try to show you how to live your life and try to walk the talk as if they know how the world goes when they can’t even keep their lives organized ?

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