Friday, January 20, 2012

Grand Finale Result !

Finally Ezani Farhana got the title MASTERCHEF MALAYSIA. see yeah.

ahahhh. mesti sukaa kan ?

bawah ni habis comel lah kann ?

phewiit. habis sweet lettew ?
haha. ok what kan?
asal bahagia sudah lahh :)

btw im proud of her because she was my srikandi at Sekolah Tun Fatimah. great what ? creds the picture to her and congrates. she had grab her star finally. Hajah Safiah had said she was the GREATEST student in STF in batch 9620. wow, what a surprised ? eheh, she got her study at The University of Adelaide School of Dentistry. form a Dentist Product. PROUD *clapsclaps ! gonna be like her ? for sure YES but not as a dentist maybe. wanna be a DOCTOR with his consent, AMIN (: btw, she GREAT with ARSHAD ZAMIR probably. LIVE HAPPILY <3. heh, lolz. okay got to go. bye. soon blogging next.

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