Girls these days. I mean okay, I may not be the most innocent girl on earth. Hey Ive had my fair share of stuff I did that I wish didnt do but come on man, smoking ciggarettes, drinking, smoking weed and shit?
Im not saying I hate girls that do all that crap, I was like that before. Im no hypocrite, I just hate girls that go public about it. Like reblogging a photo on their tumblr saying LETS SMOKE SOME MARIJUANA or write something like "Youve gotta love weed" on your facebook status.
Or uploading..uh I dont know, a photo of you dancing with a bunch of guys around you at some club wearing a mini skirt that barely covers your ass and a top that makes your boobs go HELLO, COME RIGHT IN! I mean its frustrating, really, seeing all that shit on my news feed. Most of the time, I would just hide it, but then again, it is your life. Not mine. But god, have mercy on my eyes man. They tend to wander, you know.
Guess what else I hate? Wrong. Hypocrites. We live in a hypocrisy world. Sure thats that. I just hate hypocrites, the type thats freaking religious infront of your parents, with the whole "I wear a tudung infront of you ma and pa but Im gonna take it off the second I step out of that gate". I mean, fine, it wasnt your choice to wear it but at least have the decency to confront them about whats on your mind.
Its screwed up, really. I mean youre not allowed to go out that much, so you spend 98% of your time onlining, going through pictures on facebook. Refreshing the link, every freaking minute before throwing a nasty insult like "eeii slut" "oh does that make you look cool?" and crap.
Earth to loser, its not their fault your life is lamer than a ten year old's, its not their fault your communicating skills are only good online, its not their fault you are like socially retarded or something. Just because you werent given that much freedom, doesnt give you the right to just judge. You dont know what happens out there.
Trust me, the second you get your 10 minutes of freedom, youll go all out. One second youre Virgin Mary, the next youre Paris Hilton giving every guy a free blowjob. This is not the first time Ive seen it.
Im not saying I hate girls that do all that crap, I was like that before. Im no hypocrite, I just hate girls that go public about it. Like reblogging a photo on their tumblr saying LETS SMOKE SOME MARIJUANA or write something like "Youve gotta love weed" on your facebook status.
Or uploading..uh I dont know, a photo of you dancing with a bunch of guys around you at some club wearing a mini skirt that barely covers your ass and a top that makes your boobs go HELLO, COME RIGHT IN! I mean its frustrating, really, seeing all that shit on my news feed. Most of the time, I would just hide it, but then again, it is your life. Not mine. But god, have mercy on my eyes man. They tend to wander, you know.
Guess what else I hate? Wrong. Hypocrites. We live in a hypocrisy world. Sure thats that. I just hate hypocrites, the type thats freaking religious infront of your parents, with the whole "I wear a tudung infront of you ma and pa but Im gonna take it off the second I step out of that gate". I mean, fine, it wasnt your choice to wear it but at least have the decency to confront them about whats on your mind.
Its screwed up, really. I mean youre not allowed to go out that much, so you spend 98% of your time onlining, going through pictures on facebook. Refreshing the link, every freaking minute before throwing a nasty insult like "eeii slut" "oh does that make you look cool?" and crap.
Earth to loser, its not their fault your life is lamer than a ten year old's, its not their fault your communicating skills are only good online, its not their fault you are like socially retarded or something. Just because you werent given that much freedom, doesnt give you the right to just judge. You dont know what happens out there.
Trust me, the second you get your 10 minutes of freedom, youll go all out. One second youre Virgin Mary, the next youre Paris Hilton giving every guy a free blowjob. This is not the first time Ive seen it.
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